When I was in high school I didn’t learn how to write a decent paper till my senior year. I wrote decent papers, and I even got A papers but ever since I got into a 4-year University I began to see the differences between a college paper and a high school paper. The problem with this that there should it be a great difference between a high school and college paper. The time you spend in high school is supposed to be dedicated for students to get ready for the struggles of college work such as writing better papers before entering a college type setting. In college students should know what a teacher is expecting when it comes to writing a paper, writing should reflect what you already learned in high school.
In my opinion I say teachers should mainly should set a section during the semester to focus on learning how to write college essays.
Stanley Fish’s idea was pretty much cooperative with mine. If teachers took the time to teach a course strictly for writing purposes students in college professors would have less to worry about like teaching students how to create well written sentences. At a collegiate level, students shouldn’t be curious about where a comma should be placed in a sentence. Things like that should be of the past and not new to college students.
When it comes to writing in college a student has to take it seriously B.S. and procrastinating isn’t gonna get you anywhere. Writing takes time to learn so one has to practice, this is where pre-writing comes in handy.
Pre-writing are the necessary steps taken before the actual paper is started. The aspects of this writing include research, brainstorming and outlining. The high school I attend was very fond of telling students to brainstorm and outline but what they didn’t tell us to do was to research often. If students tend to research more for their paper they’ll have excellent papers and be ready for what’s expected of them in college. I asked her questions about how she prepares for a paper and what was the most important aspect of writing and research was the answers for both so it a had a good amount of importance to be discussed about. The interview helped me understand how to conduct a well written essay.
Research is very important when it comes to a college essay |
I have written about more the grading towards my papers are graded harder. The difference between them is that my papers I have written at a four-year university are written with more detail such as adding supporting evidence through what I learned or what I researched to better understand the topic I’ve learned. Most of what I wrote about in high school were summaries about books I read which was pretty because anyone can write a summary about a book they read about. As I said earlier I did not learn how to write a decent paper near graduation the things I never knew how to put on to a paper was an introduction and a thesis to my paper. Those two important parts were absolutely unknown to me.
Whenever I got an assignment such as writing a paper it just consisted of answering the questions that were given to me by the instructor and they never had a detail nor did they have supporting evidence to show where the information came from. There was a whole lot of grammatical errors like misspelling of words, run on sentences, etc. Another experience I had with writing was in earlier this semester. The writing assignment was for sociology; I was supposed write about the American achievement ideology and how media depicts it and what would happen if media depicts it accurately. I turned in the paper and a week later it was handed back to be as a terrible paper, probably because I didn’t read the questions carefully and I didn’t know what the American achievement ideology was until someone told me.
I think if I had pre-written before I started my essay I could’ve done way better. Practicing on this type of writing would have got me a better grade, it would help me pay close attention being asked. Certain aspects of pre-writing such as
outlining could’ve helped me the most because it helps me understand what I want to mention before I type the essay. Going in to the essay blindly can have a negative effect on a student’s essay because they’re not prepared for what they’re supposed to do for the paper. As Stanley Fish said students come into a college classroom and are completely clueless of what the college professor is expecting of them on the writing assignment given to them. Being taught pre-writing in high school would give college freshmen a heads up of what the professor expects of them.
In conclusion, I agree with Stanley Fish’s idea that high school teacher do need to grasp the concept of teaching their students of learning how to write instead of playing the blame game, because they are the ones preparing them for the next level of education. Pre-writing should be basis for college writing because once it is done I can look back at my pre-written paper and make corrections to better the final paper. In my own experience the more times I conducted pre-writing I’ve done a lot better. My draft papers are proof of why this type of writing works if it done, its more effective and shows that you’re focused on what you’re supposed to write about.