What should colleges teach? This is the question every one of you and including myself are asking yourself when you entry a college. To looking for the right answer for you it is what is best answer best fit for you, if not it just alike as "Jiang Taigong fishing, take the bait" It means when Jiang Taigong fishing, he is used straight hook, while the ordinary hook is hooked easier, so when straight hook can be used to catch fish, it means that fish is willing to letting you catch voluntarily. This story tells people that, when you looking for something don't rush or panic, it will come to you, just matter of time.
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Fishing with straight hook? He did it! That is creative |
with a straight hook, easier said than done; the BIG question is what
should be taught in college writing? In the article "What Should Colleges Teach? Part 3", Stanley Fish tackles one of the most debated questions among college English professors "Should we affirm the students' right to their own patterns and varieties of language-the dialects of their nurture or whatever dialects in which they find their own identity and style?" My answer to that question has three parts:
(1) First is to have a goal, if we want to have success then we must need to have a goal.
(2) Second, Teamwork is to know yourself better and use your strong skill or ability to do thing better.
Third, I think that when we in college, we all have the moment that we failed
and did bad with examining, it is OK! That is how we get the energy to
move forward and get better next time.
Fish and I maybe not in the same age. But I do think my thought and
Fish are the same positions at the bottom of the ocean. When it comes to
the most important component of college writing, but I do
partially agree with his claim that is, students' right to their own
patterns and varieties of language and when they have to find their own
identity and style that is when to success. In an essay paper "Students' Right to Their Own Language" from Conference on College Composition and
Communication in this paper the claim that I must agree with is:
"We affirm
strongly that teachers must have the experiences and training that will
enable them to respect diversity and uphold the right of students to
their own language."
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Your 10% of idea and 10% of your creative thinking add up as equal to a unique and ultimate creative idea. |
Teamwork from peers is everlasting and has many benefits, such as
getting more creative ideas for something your not good with, but your teammate is
good with, even professionals and experts seek information from others.
There is no one in the world would know everything, as human we use our
own information plus others information to create the new and unique
information. Fish seems to encourage the same aspects of teamwork when he has his students work in groups through the entire
semester to complete the exercises as a team.
This is an
article from "The Science of Teamwork: What Matters in Teams and Team Leaders" from "New York University" Like it says, teamwork has been
recognized as a key to success in many industries and organizations such
as education.
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Is OK to Fail! |
To be successful, there is must been through failed or mistake. Everyone one of you in life will make some mistake, and even some of you making them again, and again. Everyone knows that mistakes are a part of life, but what you might not know is that there are a number of reasons why it’s okay to make mistakes. Because I think that mistake is okay, but once it happens you would need to face it, to find out what you did to make it right. So that, next time you would not fail again.
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Hope Trump would learn from the mistake. Who ever made this is creative.
Being a college student in a time with such advanced technology gives students the upper hand; from peers, tutors, and professors there's so much to be learned. While Stanley Fish makes a great argument on what's important to college writing, I think that to know your doing and what are you doing, work with others to learning new and much more pieces of information to become yours knowledge, and to the path to success there always is mistake, if you want to reach the end with your goal, face the mistake let the mistake be your stepping stone to reach your goal. So at the end, you may reach the success but there is more goal you want to achieve on, when there is no other goal left, that means you are truly successful.
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Have a good break! |