College writing
is something that is so unique and diverse, but the question is what should
college English professors teach? Stanley Fish says that the sentence is the main
aspect that should be taught. [Stanley Fish Blog]He
stresses every aspect of a sentence in his classes. Starting with simple ones then
to very long hard sentences. He makes his student’s dissect every little thing
in a sentence. The reason for doing this is because Stanley Fish believes that
“A sentence is a structure of logical relationships; everything else flows.”

In college I
feel that the main aspect that should be taught in the writing process is
organization. The organization process is sometimes overlooked. It’s something
that seems so simple and short. Although its something that can be time
consuming and hard. That’s something
that I have observed over and over in a project I had to do in my freshmen
English class.
In this project
I had to go to a tutoring session and the Ohio State Newark writers studio. [Writer Studio] My
goal was to observe every little aspect that I could to accomplish my overall
goal. The goal was to answer a question “What is college level writing.” After
several weeks of going to these sessions the biggest thing that was mentioned
over and over again was organization.

I witnessed the
organization issue in my first observation. Samantha, the student, was having a
hard time starting her paper. Beth the tutor asked her if she had made an
outline yet. Samantha didn’t do one yet. Samantha then did it and was telling
Beth how much it helped her out.
The second thing
that needs to be taught is time management. When you do your outline you need
to also organize your time too. This
will allow you to have the proper time for each step in the writing process. A
lot of times people do not allow proper time to do assignments and wait until
the last minute. When doing this you will not see the best results.
The third major
part of organization is the reverse outline. A reverse outline is important to
use after you have written your first draft. [Reverse Outline]It will help you go through your paper and different
paragraphs to make sure that everything makes sense and flows. Often time’s students find themselves
rambling and not making logical sense in their paragraphs. Using this will help
students edit and perfect the paper. The reverse outline is something that is
rarely used, but makes a significant difference in papers.
College level
writing can be described as a number of different things. Stanley Fish believes that the most important
thing in college level writing is sentences.
On the other hand, I believe that organization is the most important
thing in college level writing. I have
seen the struggles that organization causes in college students. There are many
different types of organization that needs to be taught including creating an
outline, time management, and a reverse outline.
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