College level writing in my opinion is controlled by our educators at the end of the day you can incorporate you own identity in your work give it your own flow but if you don’t meet the criteria of what is expected you won’t advance or get very far. There are times where college level writing can be open and let individuals really express their selves but the times that happens are when the educators gives them a break from what is expected from them and lets them actually give their own though and only then you can see what the writer has to offer. It’s hard to see what individuals are really capable of if the expectations are set high for them. Developing and honing your skills can be hard if you don’t get time to actually learn. College level writing can be a challenge for some because it fast paced and more excel but for those who are quick on their feet and can catch on to what needs to be done the they can succeed and get very far in college level writing.
I came to an understanding that in order to have your own identity and still get a good feedback form the teachers on the expectation they are expecting my paper I had to combine both of my skills on what I have learned and what I have seen so far in my first year in college. Adjusting from high school writing to college writing was a tough one for me but I have learned to mix things up as the style I have now and my way to attack my work in a sense of achieving my goal in the long run. The observation sessions really taught me there is more to college level writing at first I just thought there was a ladder to climb starting from the level you place in. little did I know that there is more that goes into every level of college level writing.
Fish highlights a lot of meaning facts in his article that is true in my opinion he lets the reader know that what goes on in the school are impacting the output the students have on when they get to college if the students don’t get the best education and best understanding on what really goes on in college level writing how will they understand and how will they put what they having learned to work.
Fish also talks about some topics that I have discussed in my paper how college paper is what it is and from all the researched gathered a college paper has to be creditable. A college paper takes a lot of process as fish stated so are all the students getting the right education and are they really gathering the knowledge to come in to college with a good mindset on what they have to get done and most importantly will they exceed the expectations of their new educators to make target the circular and make the best of what they are given. So as of now in my opinion teachers should start cracking down and push students more so when they get to college it’s a walk in the park.
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