I agree with Fish when he gives his points that a sentence should present logical appeals and that organization is a very high power tool. Having a structured set of words that flow together is very good for the readers eyes and think it plays a part when a reader try's to find the concept of what they are reading. I find that the most important aspect of college writing is the introduction of a written statement and Fish's remarks make me want agree that good structured set of words and added credibility can create strong information for academic assignments. I conducted searches of my own to figure out if introductions were as important as I thought it was and came up with knowledgeable evidence. I found that Purdue Owl Online Writing Lab of Purdue University conduct many ways on how students can approach writing an introduction with more tools and ways to make it more credible. I found that introduction should involve a hook of some sort to grab the reader with eye opening statements and while also adding real incite information. Also while adding bridge statements like a " they say, I say" which can give arguments to a piece of writing while concluding off with a thesis statement. This makes the agreement with Fish and I that structuring in a sentence or sentences is important and should be taught in college writing. I also created a survey asking "what is the first thing you start off with when given a written assignment?" And man gave the answer that introductions are the first part they start off with.
In some cases I don’t entirely agree with Stanley E. Fish as he goes own to claim that colleges and high schools are not teaching important information to students about how to write better but I did find where Fish was creating a logical statement on certain areas where students and teachers could perform better. He concluded his writing by saying "I used to send my students into the class taught by Cathy Birkenstein and Gerald Graff, whose excellent book “They Say / I Say” introduces students to the forms of argument in a spirit entirely compatible with my focus on the forms of sentences." As a first semester college student at The Ohio State University of Newark I have read this particular reading and believe all students should find ways to learn better areas to write better. In conclusion I think college and school instructors should stress the aspect of college writing and teach ways on how to execute a paper more advanced and I also believe an introduction should not be undermined.
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