What should be taught in college writing? In the Article
“What should colleges teach?” Stanley Fish mentions that new college students lack certain writing skills and that the most important writing skill that they should be learning is sentence structure.Upon starting college, the responsibilities of getting those students to the level they need to be fall on college professor.He states that “ You’re not going to be able to change the world if you are not equipped with the tools that speak to its present condition.” Going back to the need of curriculum that deals with the needs of what should be taught and that responsibility falls on professor.I may agree or disagree with him down below, however his opinion should not be taken lightly because he has taught at Duke and. Berkeley and the author of 15 books.
When Fish talks about high school student and how they lack certain writing skills. |
I agree with Fish that students coming from high school still have to make improvements and adapt because they might not have been taught all the important writing skills that is needed.I found my self in a similar predicament when i started college.Some skills like revising and brainstorming I’ve had to pick up along the way.The papers I’ve written in high school and college are very different.I realized that my college papers are detailed and very analytical and that’s due to college professors demanded more out me when it comes get my point across.Although they demanded more out of me they made sure to give me examples and tools that i need to complete these writing tasks.There is also a lot of research that’s done and you have to be put all together.For my English class i was task with analytical research essay and it felt finding individuals pieces than in the end putting it together.I did interviews, research’s on the database, observing tutors, and 2 drafts before writing my finals paper and it felt like i was picking up these writing skills along the way.Thats why what he mentioned resonated with me because i feel like in high school students aren’t really challenged which results in students who miss the opportunity of learning theses writing skills that Fish is referring too.
Fish’s claims about high school students. |
While Fish had some good points on sentence structure, there are many others aspects to college that he didn’t mention.For example brainstorming is one the greatest tools students can use when writing paper. Sentence structure is important but in someways it does matter if your lacking in content or you don’t fully understand what the prompt demands of you.A
study was conducted in China between two sophomores english writing class that received instruction in brainstorming and they were compared to a third group that did not learn brainstorming strategies.The study showed that that brainstorming had a “measurable influence” on their writing performance.Even the survey they did indicated that students felt positive about brainstorming strategy, agreeing with my survey I did where students rated brainstorming as important.Brainstorming strategy help the students move to process-focused approach where they are prompted to think out loud and call out what they have read or hear in English.This made them more confident and productive in their writing practice. Brainstorming sessions are also known to make you familiar with the given prompt and that familiarIty can help you further understand the guideline of a prompts.
He didn’t mention brainstorming. |
All in All, Fish has some great points on what to teach in college writing.However, he left out certain skills like brainstorming which is important.Even Writing consultant At the
writer studio Echo at the writers agrees and she is some on who deals with and help college students with college writing assignment. A while back her response to the most important aspect of college writing was “Brainstorming! I cannot stress enough how much brainstorming and prewriting helped me organize my thoughts and ideas for my papers in college.” Fish claim about the importance of sentence structure was not totally false, i just thinks that he failed to realized that there are other aspects of college writing that is as or even more important then sentence structure.Gathering information and forming the structure of your paper before even starting should be weighted highly because it can even prevent writers block later and deeper into your paper.Thats Brainstorming for you, a skills that’s very slept on and should be involved in any curriculum comprised for college writers.
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