MY POINT, analyzing is my point |
Analyzing is like making a pie. You have many directions to make it what it is. Analyzing should be taught into three simple steps reading comprehension, synthesizing, and revising.
Stanley Fish although disagrees as he wrote in his article for New York Times, which is indeed an excellent point, but I would rather look at the main idea rather than just structure sentences. I have had the opportunity of spending time observing the
Writer’s Studio at The Ohio State University in Newark. If you ask me I believe an English composition classroom should focus on teaching structure to analyzing. When analyzing you study something, look for patterns, and break down the main idea. Why analyzing rather than sentence structure? Well simple because, when you analyze you are doing sentence structure and many more things as well. When analyzing, you are observing every little structure, detail, etc. to your paper. Sentence structure would be under revising, for when you revise you are looking at you a certain piece and trying to fix the errors.
The main reason I believe analyzing is what teachers should be teaching is because it shows students the ability to look at something and understand its true meaning. In one of my observations in the Writer’s Studio we came across reading comprehension. If you do not know what the quote is trying to say, how could you use it in your paper with it making sense? It's like nodding your head and saying okay, but still thinking I don't get it. Understanding the authors meaning you have to interpret the quote. Interpreting a quote can be quite difficult and confusing. You have to visually pretend to be the author, and try and study the smaller things in the quote to comprehend the big meaning of the quote.
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Revising is also a part of analyzing that should be taught. Revising is done multiple times throughout just one essay and can be one of the longest processes. Each rough draft you create should be revised to get rid of dramatic errors we do not need. If you don’t revise your paper it will look unstructured. Like Fish says "A sentence is an organization of items in the world." Although when you're revising theirs much more to be done. Like proofreading which is one of the main ways we revise our essays. Proofreading can be fairly difficult considering the fact that you have to reread your unfinished work numerous times along with your final essay. At the Writer’s Studio, I observed many times when the tutor and student proofread drafts, and every time there was always something to correct, whether it was small or big. Teachers should make revising a habit by the time you get to college, but like we all know it’s one of the things we all skip over from time to time. I know I have and it probably what drops my grade from an A to a F.
Analyzing is also synthesizing which is one of the most essential pieces of writing any well written piece. Synthesizing should always be a main focus for teaching. When you synthesize you join to pieces of work which would be yours and another author’s quote. If you do not synthesize you cannot have an author’s piece in you essay. I mean you could but it would be like talking about a leprechaun and randomly saying pot of gold. What about a leprechaun and the pot of gold will connect the two? Synthesizing is what I like to call the rainbow, it helps connect the two pieces of information and emerge them together. Although it sounds easy it’s not, blend the two can be challenging. This is why it should be taught earlier than your freshman your of college.

Although Fish had one thing right he did not hit the hammer on the nail. Sentence structures are very important I will give him that, without sentence structures you can’t have a well meshes essay. But, analyzing is a big fish we need to fry in English composition classes. Analyzing is all about looking at things in smaller detail and connecting those smaller things with the bigger picture. An excellent essay should always be revised, when you revise a paper to your best abilities it will make to whole essay come together. Analyzing a quote to understand it should also always be done because if you do not understand a quote how can you put it in your essay and explain it to your readers? Lastly you should synthesize, synthesizing will help put your words and someone else’s words into an "
estuaries stage". If we focus on analyzing and these three important steps of analyzing, students will become better writers.
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