English 1109
Fish on the Hook
Stanley Fish
is the Floerscheimer Distinguished Professor of law at Cardozo Law School in
New York City. Fish has also taught at many other Universities including Duke
University. Fish has created a post in the New York Times called “What should
College teach?” .In this post Fish talks about the importance of sentence
structure. While I will agree sentence structure is important it is not the
only thing that matters. I have been attending the Writers Studio at the Ohio
State University Newark campus and it has made me come to a conclusion that
students need a little more push then sentence structure. Confidence it builds
people up, makes them believe what they are doing is right. If you don’t believe
in yourself what is there to believe in.

When students came in for help at
the writer’s studio I got to see how many students didn't have a full
understanding of what it was they actually wanted to do. To create a full
understanding you need to read the text thoroughly. If it is not read thorough
and you misinterpret what it is the Professor is looking for or even what the
text is trying to say. If you don’t have that full understanding then you will
have no clue or idea how to start your paper. You need to create outlines and
take side note of what it is you are reading so you have a good starting spot. Fish
is right about sentence structure, but how can you structure a sentence if you
do not know what it is you are writing about. Another way to look at it is
people need to prepare themselves. Take the time out to understand what it is
you are doing and how you need to do it.
Fish proposed a rather bright idea on what colleges should
teach. Sentence structure is important it is what makes the paper flow it
allows the reader to read with joy. Not having to pause and try to fill in the
blanks where students had made mistakes. Where I give credit to Fish’s I also
believe that students need to have the confidence in their writing. Not only
does the confidence help them personally but it shows in their writing to where
you can tell that person knows what they are talking about. Exactly why I feel
like you need to understand the text, and understand what things are being
looked for.
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