Thursday, December 15, 2016

Many Fish in the Sea

Does Fish really know how to "catch a fish?" I don't see it. Stanley Fish in his article, "What Should Colleges Teach?" He talks about how college level writing depends strictly on the basis of "a game of writing sentences" meaning that he believes that sentence structure and how a student builds their structure of a sentence determines the overall outcome of a paper. But I say that college to become a successful college writer they must, have a topic that best fits them, that also can fulfill the assignments requirement in length. If a student can complete this they are more than likely going to enjoy what they are writing about and want to make it the best it can be.

Damn! Wrong word again:(

Fish later talks about how our early education didn't prepare us for what was to come in the future with college level writing. He talks about the exceptions of catholic school in which I agree with. I attended catholic school first through twelfth grade. I have never felt burdened or stressed about writing something in my whole life. Now a struggle I will admit to is not being able to use the correct wording. I over come that trouble by being able to talk about a topic that I enjoy and backing it up with relevant details. No one is perfect when they write and I find hope for my final result when i can back it up with good relevant information.

Using a survey I created on survey monkey, I had determined that my peers saw a huge difference between their ability to write when they were in high school compared to college. They said this because they are able to select their own topic. Most of those who did the survey went to catholic school as well. Most of the assignments that were assigned in high school usually related to religion and the churches beliefs. In college their is an escape from that and they are more than likely going to choose their topic off of something that they enjoy and like. I think everyone was excited to take the next step in their lives and get away from the so called hell of catholic school.

Students who choose their own topic are more than likely going to have an increased interest in what they are talking about. Making the finished product more than likely detailed and extensive with real world evidence or interest in what they are writing about (University of Buffalo). When people go to college they are more than likely going for a job that they want to do for the rest of their lives. When they attend classes that relate to their major and what they want to learn a better result is more than likely going to arise from the final product of their topic that they choose. Interest is key.

Crappy papers are the end of my grade.
Students also face the problem of staying on topic. The topic is the heart of the paper and valves that pump blood to the rest of the body are the body paragraphs. The body paragraphs have to remain relevant to the overall final result of the paper. That's why it is key to finding topic that best fits you and that you can make relevant to the overall paper. If you can't stay on topic then you have a huge pile of crap. Stay on topic!

Choosing your own topic is key to being a successful college writer and if you are willing to take the time and find a topic that best relates to you, the final product is more than likely going to be great. When people are researching something they like and enjoy, they are more than likely going to be able to focus on what they are researching. Once that topic and requirements are fulfilled you can lay back take a break and breathe. Maybe go to the weekend party and get yourself an ice cold bottle of water there to take a load off.

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