“What should college teach?,” by Stanley Fish makes some sense to me, because some students come to college as English Language Learners and other students did not learn grammar when they were in school. Those students get to their college classes and they cannot put a basic sentence together. Therefore, the professor does not have enough time to teach grammar in the class. The next thing students do is go to the writing center, where they try to show students the meaning of the papers and fix their grammar by reading aloud.
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we both think grammar is important for college writer |
With respect, I agree in some way with Stanley Fish, because we all know that the important part of college writing is grammar and sentence structure so students can communicate information. So the importance of teaching grammar and the correct way of using the language is to show how to use the language, because it will be harder to write or to speak it if students do not know how to use it. This not only true with ELL students, but also native English speakers as well because they will not able to write if they do know how to use the correct grammar.
During my second semester in English 1109 I had an opportunity to do some research about college writing by asking different types of questions on Survey Monkey. The survey consisted of seven questions about college writing. Also,during my observation time with Sidney Kelley and Precious in the writing studio,I saw that when Sidney was helping Pleasure with her paper, Sidney was reading her paper aloud and this gave me an idea about what college writers do. Also, I interviewed John Wetzel in the Writing Studio for 30 minutes. When I asked him about how he helps student in writing studio with editing paper, he said, I will make them read the paper out loud. This lead me to discover reading aloud is important for collage writers. Lastly, as part of my research, I emailed Dr. David Arenas. When I asked him, “What is the advantage to reading your own writing aloud?” He responded, “ Reading aloud, I refine the text grammatically and stylistically.” I agree with Dr. David Arenas’ opinion that reading aloud helps with grammar mistakes.
Okay, so why do I agree with Fish that the important part of college writing is grammar? As you read, my topic is reading aloud, which shows how very much similar the ideas we both have about grammar are, including how to identify the correct grammar by reading aloud. When you read aloud you may notice things that you did not see, like grammar errors. During my observation time with Sidney, I saw that when she was helping Pleasure with her paper, Sidney was reading the paper aloud, and as she did, Precious was listening to her and noticed things that she did not see before. Also, she heard errors in her sentences; sometimes writers leave out a word, or make a grammar mistake that they do not realize.
So okay, Fish and I had the same idea that grammar is important for college writers, but I am more likely to encourage reading aloud to correct your grammar and improve your writing. The reason why is that when I interviewed John Wetzel in the,The Ohio Sate University Writing Studio at Newark, and I asked him about how he helps student in the Writing Studio with editing papers, he said, “when I help a student by editing I will make them read the paper out loud and listen for errors, because when they listen carefully, they will be able to correct any errors that they hear." I agree with John, and in my opinion, reading your work aloud can be very helpful for many reasons as noted by some of the other professors. You can hear what you wrote. All my professors used to tell us to read our papers out loud as part of the editing and proofreading process.
Reading aloud has many benefits that I want to share with college student writers. Catching grammatical mistakes is so important to college writing because without proper punctuation, things can get confusing. While Stanley Fish makes a great argument on the importance of grammar in college writing, and I agree with him in some ways, it should be encouraged by reading aloud.
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