This is where professor feedback comes in. Stanley Fish has stated many students get confused on how to even form a sentence. This is where a professor comes in and gives you feedback o how to fix the problem. I got to observe a student in The writers Studio at Ohio State Newark the beginning of the semester and the tutor gave great feedback to the student with his sentence structure Professor feedback can lead a student to go into the right direction. Professor feedback is not talked about enough and students should take advantage of the guidance they have when they

I believe students should get feedback and help from the professor. I surveyed 14 people this semester and asked them if they get professor feedback. Only 5 people said they go to there professor and get help the other 9 people stated they are to scared to sit down and show there professor the work they have created. I believe the most important part of college is taking advantage of the resources that are being handed to you. Professors are there to help you. Students can't be perfect and write a flawless paper without a little guidance. and

I totally agree with Stanley Fish that sentence structure is important. If we didn't know how to write sentences then all the papers students wrote would have to be rewritten all the time. If students need help forming sentence structure this is the time where you should make time to meet with your professor and go over the work you have completed. It is okay to be wrong. When going to your professor they know you are trying and need help. I believe students should always take advantage of the resources they have. Stanley Fish helps you understand that sentence structure is very important to understand.
I like your point that students need to pay attention to feedback from their professors. Should they also try to meet professors during office hours?