Thursday, December 5, 2013

Bloggin & Fishin

Teacher is trying to help the student understand the work
Reading Mr. Fish's thoughts about what college students should learn in class, and what they actually learn in class. Makes me completely agree with him and all that he says, When he talks about students aren't prepared for college writing. In high school the teachers don't really prepare the students.

When I was readying that in Stanley Fishes article, I completely agree with him.
I believe myself that in high school the teachers don't really prepare the students for college writing. I believe they help us but they don't really get us ready for the college writing, they just want us to have the writings done the way that they want it.

In the article that was written by Mr. Fish I noticed that he said with all the writings you do. And everything that is writing related, has to have good sentence structure, there needs to be meaning and understanding in it and there has to be purpose for the writing. Reading that I agree completely and so does the observations that I have observed. During one of my observations, I've noticed the tutor telling the student that they need to make sure that their paper flows together and that everything makes since. So just as Dr. Fish said having good sentence structure in a paper is very important. You need to understand what you are writing and that is what seems to be the most students are having a hard time doing. They haven't been taught the right way to write these things down so they don't really know.

During my sessions in the writers studio, I've noticed that I have came across some of the same things that was mentioned in Fish's Article. In my Essay that I wrote I talked about how having creditable work and a work cited page was important to have in a college paper and it's what makes a paper a college paper.
This is symbolizes the work cited page that I talked about in my essay, about the tutoring sessions I observed.

It shows the audience of your work that others have had the same ideas as you. And it shows that you have given whoever work you have borrowed, mentioned or used credit so people know you didn't steal. Things like that are things that I feel that Stanley Fish was talking about, when he talked in his article about students not being prepared or knowing what to do when they have to write a college paper or when a teacher asked them to do something.

Student not being able to understand what the teacher is asking of them
Also another thing that I have noticed during my readings of Mr. Fish's thoughts. I have noticed that he says that students basically have trouble understanding and being able to produce, what is being asked of them. I agree with this especially since as a college student now. I have seen students mess up on assignments because they weren't sure what the teacher was asking them. Or because they fail something because maybe the teacher isn't teaching them and explaining things to them in a manner that they can understand. I for one believe that all of this can changed and improved by the student and teachers, there just to be an effort that needs to be present for this problem to be fixed.

Reading everything that Mr. Fish has talked about has put a new understanding in my mind, I see where he is coming from and understand is logic completely. Also I agree how this whole situation is still an on going process. It's something that is not fixed yet and it may still take some time to fix this, there just has to be work put into this and time. Basically in the end, I agree with the things that Dr. Fish talked about in his article.

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